Mens Results: May 15th 2016: If convicts were still sentenced to hard labour they could have had the day off as the sun was splitting the stones on Sunday and our members took advantage of this by rushing to the course to scare the fauna with exposed white legs that the ducks are not the better of yet. As an aside a very famous Disney character made his debut on the big screen on May 15th 1928, and I am in no way suggesting the golf of our members this weekend was “Mickey Mouse” in its nature but only mad dogs and Englishmen come out in the midday sun! Three men however rose above the chaff and claimed immortality. They were: 1st Philip Coleman with 58 nett, 2nd Ronan Briody 60 nett and 3rd Our Glorious Leader Gary Corcoran with 61nett. Gentlemen we salute you.
Mid Week Warriors: As usual our “Senior” members put the rest of us to shame with their competitiveness and participation, as the weekly scrambles continue under the watchful eye of Finbarr O’Reilly. Last weeks winning team was in first place: Maura Tierney, Mary Hopkins, Peter Curran, Canice Hogan with a score of 55.8 and in second place Angela O’Dwyer, Brian O’Brien, Pat Fitzpatrick and the ringmaster of retirees himself Finbarr O’Reilly. Well done all and well done Finbarr on the continued organisation.
Club Classic: Ladies and Gentleman our club classic is being held the 3/4/5 of June and is a 4 person team scramble costing €100 per team. There are more prizes than you can shake a stick at, in fact you will be genuinely disappointed if you do not win one. This Classic is not just a fantastic and essential fund raiser for the club it is also a great way for us to show golfing friends and family what a social, welcoming club we are, so get involved and have a great day. Please note the PRO will also be attempting on the day to beat his ham sandwich consumption record set last year.